Please contact Michelle to request a free copy of any of the journal articles or book chapters listed below.
PETERIE, Michelle, Katherine KENNY, Alex BROOM and Gaby RAMIA (Eds.) (Under Contract) Infrastructures of Informal Care: Inequality, Exploitation, Emancipation. Policy Press.
BROOM, Alex and Michelle PETERIE (Under Contract) Troubling Care: Affective Entanglements in a Changing World. Polity Press.
PETERIE, Michelle (Ed.) (2024) Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration. Routledge.
PETERIE, Michelle (2022) Visiting Immigration Detention: Care and Cruelty in Australia’s Asylum Seeker Prisons. Bristol University Press.
MARSTON, Greg, Louise HUMPAGE, Michelle PETERIE, Philip MENDES, Shelley BIELEFELD and Zoe STAINES (2022) Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand: More Harm than Good? Policy Press.
PATULNY, Roger, Alberto BELLOCHI, Rebecca OLSON, Sukhmani KHORANA, Jordan McKENZIE and Michelle PETERIE (Eds.) (2019) Emotions in Late Modernity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Journal Special Issues
McKENZIE, Jordan, Rebecca OLSON, Roger PATULNY and Michelle PETERIE (Eds.) (2019) Special Issue: ‘Social Emotions’. Emotions: History, Culture, Society. Volume 3, Issue 2.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Copies available upon request. Please contact Michelle.
STAINES, Zoe, Greg MARSTON, Michelle PETERIE et al. (2024) ‘An Intersectional Feminist Analysis of Compulsory Income Management in Australia’. Journal of Social Policy. DOI: 10.1017/S0047279424000205
PETERIE, Michelle, Gaby RAMIA, Alex BROOM, Isabella CHOI, Matthew BRETT, and Leah WILLIAMS VEAZEY (2024) ‘“You're on Your Own, Kid”: A Critical Analysis of Australian Universities' International Student Mental Health Strategies’. Australian Journal of Social Issues. DOI: 10.1002/ajs4.349
BROOM, Alex, and Michelle PETERIE (2024) ‘Troubling Grief: Spectrality, Temporality, Refusal, Catharsis’. The Sociological Review. DOI: 10.1177/00380261241228412
PETERIE, Michelle, and Alex BROOM (2024) ‘Conceptualising Care: Critical Perspectives on Informal Care and Inequality’. Social Theory and Health. DOI: 10.1057/s41285-023-00200-3
CHANDRA, Shiva, Alex BROOM, Damien RIDGE, Michelle PETERIE et al. (2024) ‘Treatment “Cultures”, STIs and the Rise of Antimicrobial Resistance’. Sociology of Health and Illness. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13832
PETERIE, Michelle, Alex BROOM, Katherine KENNY, Jennifer BROOM, David REGAN, Lise LAFFERTY, Angela KELLY-HANKU, and Carla TRELOAR (2023) ‘Economies of Resistance’. Critical Public Health. 10.1080/09581596.2023.2271140
BROOM, Alex, Michelle PETERIE, Damien RIDGE, Lise LAFFERTY, Katherine KENNY et al. (2023) ‘Sex, Drugs and Superbugs: The Rise of Drug-Resistant STIs’. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100310
BROOM, Alex, Leah WILLIAMS VEAZEY, Katherine KENNY, Imogen HARPER, Michelle PETERIE, Alexander PAGE, Nicole CORT et al. (2023) ‘The Enduring Effects of COVID for Cancer Care: Learning from Real-Life Clinical Practice’. Clinical Cancer Research. DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-23-0151
KENNY, Katherine, Leah WILLIAMS VEAZEY, Alex BROOM, Michelle PETERIE, Alexander PAGE, Barbara PRAINSACK et al. (2023) ‘Hope in an Era of Precision Oncology: A Qualitative Study of Informal Caregivers’ Experiences’. BMJ Open.
BROOM, Alex, Michelle PETERIE, Katherine KENNY, Jennifer BROOM et al. (2022) ‘Vulnerability and Antimicrobial Resistance’. Critical Public Health. DOI: 09581596.2022.2123733
PETERIE, Michelle (2022) ‘Food, Care and Carceral Power: The Politics of Commensality in Australian Immigration Detention’. Journal of Refugee Studies. DOI: 10.1093/jrs/feac013
BROOM, Alex, Michelle PETERIE, Katherine KENNY, Gaby RAMIA and Nadine EHLERS (2022) ‘The Administration of Harm: From Unintended Consequences to Harm by Design’. Critical Social Policy. DOI: 10.1177/02610183221087333
ROCHE, Steven, Philip MENDES, Greg MARSTON, Michelle PETERIE, Shelley BIELEFELD, Zoe STAINES and Louise HUMPAGE (2021) ‘How Effective is Conditional Welfare Support for Enhancing Child Wellbeing? An Examination of Compulsory Income Management (Welfare Payment Quarantining) in Australia’. Children and Youth Services Review. Volume 131, 106254. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106254
PETERIE, Michelle (2021) ‘The Politics of Compassion’. Emotions and Society. Volume 3, Number 2. Pp. 303-305. DOI 10.1332/263169020X16049443367851
PETERIE, Michelle, Greg MARSTON, Louise HUMPAGE, Philip MENDES, Shelley BIELEFELD and Zoe STAINES (2021) ‘The Trope of the Vulnerable Child in Conditional Welfare Discourses: An Australian Case Study’. The Journal of Sociology. DOI 10.1177/14407833211008984
ROCHE, Steven, Philip MENDES, Greg MARSTON, Shelley BIELEFELD, Michelle PETERIE, Zoe STAINES and Louise HUMPAGE (2021) ‘Examining the Consequences of Welfare Conditionality: A Case Management of Compulsory Income Management in the Regional Community of Ceduna, Australia’. Social Policy and Society. DOI 10.1017/S1474746421000063
MENDES, Philip, Steven ROCHE, Greg MARSTON, Shelley BIELEFELD, Michelle PETERIE, Zoe STAINES and Louise HUMPAGE (2021) 'Is Conditional Welfare An Effective Means for Reducing Alcohol and Drug Abuse? An Exploration of Compulsory Income Management Across Four Australian Trial Sites’. Australian Journal of Political Science. Volume 56, Issue 2. 153-170. DOI 10.1080/10361146.2021.1884646
PETERIE, Michelle (2021) ‘Forced Relocations: The Punitive Use of Mobility in Australia’s Immigration Detention Network’. Journal of Refugee Studies. Volume 34, Issue 3. Pp. 2655–2675. DOI: 10.1093/jrs/fez069
MENDES, Philip, Steven ROCHE, Greg MARSTON, Michelle PETERIE, Zoe STAINES and Louise HUMPAGE (2020) ‘The Social Harms Outweigh the Benefits: A Study of Compulsory Income Management in Greater Shepparton and Playford’. Australian Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/0312407X.2020.1820536
STAINES, Zoe, Greg MARSTON, Shelley BIELEFELD, Louise HUMPAGE, Philip MENDES and Michelle PETERIE (2020) ‘Governing Poverty: Compulsory Income Management and Crime’. Critical Criminology. Volume 29. Pp. 745–761. DOI: 10.1007/s10612-020-09532-2
MARSTON, Greg and Michelle PETERIE (2020) ‘Is Universal Basic Income a Desirable Alternative to Conditional Welfare?’ Social Alternatives. Volume 39, Issue 1. Pp. 39-46.
RAMIA, Gaby, Michelle PETERIE, Roger PATULNY and Greg MARSTON (2020) ‘Networks, Case Managers and the Job-Search Experiences of Unemployed People’. Social Policy and Administration. Volume 54, Issue 5. Pp. 765-776. DOI: 10.1111/spol.12575
HUMPAGE, Louise, Zoe STAINES, Greg MARSTON, Michelle PETERIE, Philip MENDES and Shelley BIELEFELD (2020) ‘The Complexity of Convergence: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Compulsory Income Management and Social Investment in New Zealand and Australia’. Policy Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2020.1783439
McKENZIE, Jordan, Rebecca OLSON, Roger PATULNY and Michelle PETERIE (2019) ‘Introduction - Social Emotions: A Multidisciplinary Approach’. Emotions: History, Culture, Society. Volume 3, Issue 2. Pp. 187-201. DOI: 10.1163/2208522X-02010056
PETERIE, Michelle and David NEIL (2019) ‘Xenophobia towards Asylum Seekers: A Survey of Social Theories’. Journal of Sociology (Special Issue: ‘Asylum Seekers in the Global Context of Xenophobia’). Volume 56, Issue: 1. Pp. 23-35. DOI: 10.1177/1440783319882526
PETERIE, Michelle, Shelley BIELEFELD, Greg MARSTON, Philip MENDES and Louise HUMPAGE (2019) ‘Compulsory Income Management: Combatting or Compounding the Underlying Causes of Homelessness?’ Australian Journal of Social Issues. (Special Issue: ‘Welfare Conditionality and Homelessness’). Volume 55, Issue 1. Pp. 61-72. DOI: 10.1002/ajs4.79
MARSTON, Greg, Juan ZHANG, Michelle PETERIE, Gaby RAMIA, Roger PATULNY and Emma COOKE (2019) ‘To Move or Not to Move: Mobility Decision-Making in the Context of Welfare Conditionality and Paid Employment’. Mobilities. Volume 14, Issue 5. Pp. 596-611. DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2019.1611016
PETERIE, Michelle, Gaby RAMIA, Greg MARSTON and Roger PATULNY (2019) ‘Social Isolation as Stigma-Management: Explaining Long-Term Unemployed People’s “Failure” to Network’. Sociology. Volume 53, Issue: 6. Pp. 1043-1060. DOI: 10.1177/0038038519856813
PETERIE, Michelle, Gaby RAMIA, Greg MARSTON and Roger PATULNY (2019) ‘Emotional Compliance and Emotion as Resistance: Shame and Anger among the Long-Term Unemployed’. Work, Employment and Society. Volume 33, Issue 5. Pp. 794-811. DOI: 10.1177/0950017019845775
PATULNY, Roger, Gaby RAMIA, Zhuqin FENG, Michelle PETERIE and Greg MARSTON (2019). 'The Strong, The Weak and The Meaningful: Do Friends or Acquaintances Help Us Get ‘Any’ Job, or ‘Meaningful’ Work?' International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Volume 39, Issue 5/6. Pp. 376-394. DOI: IJSSP-11-2018-0193
PETERIE, Michelle (2018) ‘Personal Care as Political Activism: Refugee and Asylum Seeker Friendship Programmes’. Australian Journal of Social Issues. Volume 53, Issue 4. Pp. 400-415. DOI: 10.1002/AJS4.58
PETERIE, Michelle (2018) 'Technologies of Control: Asylum Seeker and Volunteer Experiences in Australian Immigration Detention Facilities'. Journal of Sociology. Volume 55, Issue 2. Pp. 181-198 DOI: 10.1177/1440783318796301
PETERIE, Michelle (2018) 'Deprivation, Frustration and Trauma: Immigration Detention Centres as Prisons'. Refugee Survey Quarterly. Volume 37, Issue 3. Pp. 279–306. DOI: 10.1093/rsq/hdy008
NEIL, David and Michelle PETERIE (2018) 'Grey Networks: The Contradictory Dimensions of Australia’s Immigration Detention System'. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. (Special Issue: ‘The Social Governance of Transnational Migration: Perspectives from the Asia Pacific’). Volume 59, Issue 1. Pp. 132-144. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12183 - WINNER - Asia Pacific Viewpoint Top 20 Article 2017-2018
PETERIE, Michelle (2017) 'Docility and Desert: Government Discourses of Compassion in Australia’s Asylum Seeker Debate'. Journal of Sociology. Volume 53, Issue 2. Pp. 351-366. DOI: 10.1177/1440783317690926 - WINNER - Journal of Sociology’s (Biennial) Best Paper Award 2017-2018
PETERIE, Michelle (2016) ‘“These Few Small Boats”: Representations of Asylum Seekers during Australia’s 1977 and 2001 Elections’. Journal of Australian Studies. Volume 40, Issue 4. Pp. 431-445. DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2016.1223150
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Copies available upon request. Please contact Michelle.
PETERIE, Michelle and Alex Broom (In Press) ‘Welfare Stigma and the Weaponisation of Shame’, in Pultz et al (Eds.) Handbook of Unemployment and Society.
PETERIE, Michelle (2024) ‘Introduction: The Reverberating Impacts of Immigration Detention’, in Peterie (Ed.) Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration. Routledge.
PETERIE, Michelle (2024) ‘Moral Injury in Australian Immigration Detention’, in Peterie (Ed.) Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration. Routledge.
NEIL, David and Michelle PETERIE (2022) ‘Asylum Seekers, Healthcare and the Right to have Rights: The Political Struggle over Australia’s “Medevac” Law’, in Billings (Ed.) Regulating Refugee Protection through Social Welfare Provision. Routledge.
PETERIE, Michelle, Greg MARSTON, Louise HUMPAGE, Philip MENDES, Shelley BIELEFELD and Zoe STAINES (2022) ‘Subjectification, Suffering and Emotional Resistance: The Lived Experience of Compulsory Income Management’, in Soldatic and St Guillaume (Eds.) Social Suffering in the Neoliberal Age. Routledge.
PETERIE, Michelle (2019) 'Compassion and Power: (Emotional) Reflexivity in Asylum Seeker Friendship Programmes'. In Patulny, Bellocchi, Olson, Khorana, McKenzie and Peterie (Eds.) Emotions in Late Modernity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
PATULNY, Roger, Rebecca OLSON, Sukhmani KHORANA, Jordan McKENZIE, Alberto BELLOCCHI and Michelle PETERIE (2019) ‘Introduction’. In Patulny, Bellocchi, Olson, Khorana, McKenzie and Peterie (Eds.) Emotions in Late Modernity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
PATULNY, Roger, Rebecca OLSON, Sukhmani KHORANA, Jordan McKENZIE, Alberto BELLOCCHI and Michelle PETERIE (2019) ‘Conclusion: Emotions in Late Modernity’. In Patulny, Bellocchi, Olson, Khorana, McKenzie and Peterie (Eds.) Emotions in Late Modernity. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Doctoral Thesis
PETERIE, Michelle (2018) ‘The Trauma Machine: Volunteer Experiences in Australian Immigration Detention Facilities’. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Sydney.
Research Reports
HUMPAGE, Louise, Michelle PETERIE, Greg MARSTON, Philip MENDES, Shelley BIELEFELD and Zoe STAINES. Helping or Harming? Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand. University of Queensland. February 2020.
MARSTON, Greg, Philip MENDES, Shelley BIELEFELD, Michelle PETERIE, Zoe STAINES and Steven ROCHE. Hidden Costs: An Independent Study into Compulsory Income Management. University of Queensland. February 2020.
Conference Presentations and Invited Talks
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Traumatic Entanglements: The Intergenerational Impacts of Australia’s Deportation Regime’. The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024. Curtin University, Perth. 28 November 2024.
Alex BROOM, Kay COOK, Myra HAMILTON, Farida FOZDAR, Katherine KENNY, Michelle PETERIE, and Leah WILLIAMS VEAZEY. ‘How to Manage ARC Hype, Headaches and Hope as an EMCR’. The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024. Curtin University, Perth. 27 November 2024.
SHORTER, Rosie, Michelle PETERIE and Shiva CHANDRA. ‘Career Stage Workshop: Pitching for Publication’. The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024. Curtin University, Perth. 26 November 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Arts-Based Methods in Research with Children’. Sydney-Fudan Climate and Health Forum. University of Sydney, Sydney. 22 October 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle and Suzette JACKSON. ‘The Impacts of Deportation on Tamariki and Whānau’. 501 Conference. Auckland. 11 October 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle and Suzette JACKSON. ‘Ara Ki Te Whānau’. Participant Hui. Higher Ground, Auckland. 9 October 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle and Suzette JACKSON. ‘The Intergenerational Impacts of Australia’s Deportation Regime’. Centre for Asia-Pacific Refugee Studies Seminar Series. University of Auckland, Auckland. 8 October 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Relational Entanglements in Immigration Detention’. Harmful Care, Careful Harm: Relational Entanglements in Migration. Social Sciences Week, Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies, and School of Social and Political Sciences. University of Sydney, Sydney. 9 September 2024.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Cruel to be Kind? The Politics of Care in Immigration Detention’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2023. University of Sydney, Sydney. 28 November 2023.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘(Beyond) Welfare Stigma and the Weaponisation of Shame’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2022. University of Melbourne, Melbourne. 30 November 2022.
MENDES, Philip, Michelle PETERIE and Zoe STAINES. ‘Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2022. University of Melbourne, Melbourne. 30 November 2022.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Care and Cruelty in Immigration Detention’. Welfare of Carers Symposium. University of Sydney, Sydney. 2 November 2022.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Care and Cruelty in Immigration Detention’. Australian Critical Border Studies Network Seminar Series. Zoom. 19 October 2022.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘The Unmaking of Wellbeing in Immigration Detention’. Vulnerable Bodies and the Un/Making of Wellbeing. Social Science Week Event. University of Sydney, Sydney. 8 September 2022.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Harm by Design: The Collateral Impacts of Immigration Detention’. Sociology and Social Policy Seminar Series. University of Sydney, Sydney. 11 April 2022.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘The Collateral Impacts of Immigration Detention in Australia’. Institute for Culture and Society Seminar Series. Western Sydney University, Sydney. 18 November 2021.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Emotion and Inequality’. Emotion Inequality in Pandemic Australia. Social Science Week Event. University of Sydney, Sydney. 8 September 2021.
PETERIE, Michelle and David NEIL. ‘Xenophobia towards Asylum Seekers: A Survey of Dominant Social Theories’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2019. Western Sydney University, Sydney. 26-28 November 2019.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘“Human Becomings” in Neoliberal Welfare Policy: Representations of Childhood in Australian and New Zealand Discourses Regarding Compulsory Income Management’. Australian Social Policy Conference 2019. The University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus. 9-11 September 2019.
KING, Deb, Alison PHIPPS and Michelle PETERIE. Panel: ‘Political Emotions in Practice’. Political Emotions Conference. University of Adelaide, Adelaide. 22-23 July 2019.
PETERIE, Michelle and Greg MARSTON. ‘Subjectification and (Emotional) Resistance: Combatting the Cashless Debit Card’. Political Emotions Conference. University of Adelaide, Adelaide. 22-23 July 2019.
PETERIE, Michelle and Greg MARSTON. ‘Hope, Suffering and Resistance: Combatting the Cashless Debit Card’. Social Suffering in the Neoliberal Age: Classificatory Logic and Systems of Governance. Western Sydney University, Sydney. 18-19 July 2019.
PETERIE, Michelle. 'Forced Mobility: The Movement of Asylum Seekers around Australia's Immigration Detention Network'. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2018. Deakin University, Melbourne. 19-22 November 2018.
PETERIE, Michelle, Roger PATULNY, Gaby RAMIA and Greg MARSTON. 'Unemployment, Social Networks and Wellbeing'. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2018. Deakin University, Melbourne. 19-22 November 2018.
DWYER, Peter, Greg MARSON, Michelle PETERIE and Elise KLEIN. Panel: ‘Alternatives to Conditionality’. The Nexus between Conditional Welfare and Homelessness Symposium. University of Queensland, Brisbane. 6 November 2019.
PATULNY, Roger, Michelle PETERIE, Gaby RAMIA and Greg MARSTON. ‘Managing Shame and Depression in Unemployment’. Combined European Sociological Association and British Sociological Association Sociology of Emotions Conference. Edinburgh. 28-30 August 2018.
PATULNY, Roger, Michelle PETERIE, Gaby RAMIA and Greg MARSTON. ‘Surface Acting or Stigma Management? The Emotion Management Practices of Employed and Unemployed People’. Work, Employment and Society Conference. Belfast. 12-14 September 2018.
RAMIA, Gaby, Michelle PETERIE and Roger PATULNY. 'Harnessing Informal Networks'. ConnectUp: CoAct Annual National Conference. Doltone House, Sydney. 22-23 May 2018.
RAMIA, Gaby, Michelle PETERIE and Roger PATULNY. 'Social Networks, Governance Networks, and Unemployment'. Government and International Relations Colloquium Series 2018. The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus. 12 April 2018.
PETERIE, Michelle. 'Compassion as Activism: Reaching Across Boundaries'. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2017. The University of Western Australia, Perth Campus. 27–30 November 2017.
RAMIA, Gaby, Greg MARSTON, Michelle PETERIE and Roger PATULNY. ‘Boundary Spanning or Boundary Making? The Networks of NGO Leaders in Employment Services’. Australian Social Policy Association: Policy Studies Group Workshop, Melbourne. 2017.
RAMIA, Gaby, Michelle PETERIE, Greg MARSTON, Roger PATULNY and Claire SEAMAN. 'Beyond "Who You Know": A Qualitative Analysis of Social Networks and Job Search in Australia'. Australian Social Policy Conference. The University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus. 25-27 September 2017.
PATULNY, Roger, Claire SEAMAN, Greg MARSTON, Gaby RAMIA and Michelle PETERIE. 'The Role of Personal Networks in Helping Australians Find Jobs'. Australian Social Policy Conference. The University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus. 25-27 September 2017.
PETERIE, Michelle, Gaby RAMIA, Greg MARSTON, Roger PATULNY and Claire SEAMAN. 'It's Not Just the Size of Your Network that Counts, It's If and How You Use It'. Australian Social Policy Conference. The University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus. 25-27 September 2017.
PETERIE, Michelle. 'Secondary Prisonization in Australia’s Onshore Immigration Detention Network'. Politics and Crime Control in the 21st Century: Controversies and Challenges. The University of Newcastle, Sydney Campus. 22 September 2017.
FITZGERALD, David, Graham THOM, Michelle PETERIE, Behrouz BOOCHANI and Omid TOFIGHIAN. 'Trapped In/Pushed Out: Border Politics in the US and Australia'. Sydney Ideas. University of Sydney, Camperdown. 12 April 2017.
PETERIE, Michelle. '"They Were Broken": Australian Immigration Detention and the Production of Trauma'. Symposium on Transnational People-Movement and Social Rights. The University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus. 12-13 December 2016.
PETERIE. Michelle. '"They Were Broken": Australian Immigration Detention and the Production of Trauma'. First International Conference on Contemporary and Historical Approaches to Emotions. The University of Wollongong, Sydney CBD Campus. 5-7 December 2016.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘The Agonising Position of Witness: Volunteers, Trauma and Australia’s Onshore Immigration Detention Network’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2016. Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy Campus. 28 November-1 December 2016.
PATULNY, Roger, Claire SEAMAN, Gaby RAMIA, Greg MARSTON and Michelle PETERIE. ‘Many, Weak, Instrumental, Work-ties? What Sort of Personal Networks Help Us Find Jobs?’ The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2016. Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy Campus. 28 November-1 December 2016.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘Technologies of Disempowerment: Institutionalised Trauma in Australia’s Detention Network’. The Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2016. University of NSW, Kensington Campus. 26-28 September 2016.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Discourses of Compassion in Australia’s Asylum Seeker Debate’. The Australian Sociological Association Conference 2015. James Cook University, Cairns. 23-26 November 2015.
PETERIE, Michelle. ‘“These Few Small Boats”: Asylum Seeker Discourses of Australia's 1977 and 2001 Liberal Governments’. Boat People: The Long History of Immigration in Australia
Details of Michelle’s non-traditional publications - including news articles, informed public commentary, expert evidence and media interviews - are available HERE